Are you ready to make a change?


Activate Change

A 5 Part Self-Guided Online Video Course for People Who Want to Make A Difference

Sign up NOW for Access to this Empowering Course

Are You One of These?

  • Do you feel powerless watching the injustices around you?

  • Are you tired of events and activities that don’t make lasting change?

  • Do you want to tap into resources to finance community impact?

  • Want to know who to contact to get things done in your city?

  • Ready to make a difference?

Then this is for YOU!!!

I want you to know I understand some of how you may be feeling

My heart was broken looking at the inequities in the communities I served. I did what I knew to do - host events but after they were over I felt like nothing sustainable happened. Families were still going to be food insecure, children were still without access to educational resources and there was a growing mistrust between minorities and law enforcement. I desperately wanted to activate change! This led me to spend the better part of the last 5 years studying how community change is made and putting those lessons into action. It’s led me to launch community gardens, create a program to facilitate community policing and more. All of this with government grants (FREE MONEY!!!)

In this Course You Will:

  • Learn how to move from charity work to making systemic change

  • Perform demographic profile and analysis of your community

  • Position yourself to tap into funding for your passion

  • Create disciplines to follow through and execute

  • Learn how to create your non-profit

  • Be trained in taking steps towards legislative change

Ready to enjoy these benefits.. and even more?

Sign up for Access to this Online Course

Features of this Course

Activate Change is a self-guided Online VIdeo Course for people who are moved by the injustice they see and want to make lasting change in their communities. This program will teach practical steps to strategize, organize and mobilize. You will be able to tap into your passion and go deep into effecting change.

Register NOW and begin taking ACTION

And Here's Why You Should Sign Up

  • Online video curriculum

  • Templates to use to take action

  • Additional tips, tools and resources

  • Guest presenters including Jaime Kowlessar, Jason Ridley, Amna Farooqi

  • First access to my newest publication, “Faith, Integrity, and Training Intervention Manual for Police and Young Black men - a how to guide”

Sign up now for this empowering course

What's included in Intermediate Course "Advocate"

  • 5 lessons, includes course videos, templates, worksheets, book lists

  • The book of el digital restorative justice devotional book

  • Text length of individual points can be shorter or longer depending on your needs

  • How we flipped Georgia eBook

  • 5 ways eBook

  • Webinar recordings

  • Non-profit startup quick guide

  • Bonus videos

Some of Our Guest Presenters

Dr Jaime Kowlessar

Jaime Kowlessar is an expert in Critical Hip Hop Pedagogy and Organizing, who is the founder of “Raise Your Voice” a non-profit and podcast that seeks to combat social injustice and inequality. He is a prolific author, speaker, and organizer.

Jason Ridley

Jason Ridley is an expert in team mobilization who has been successful in organizing communities towards change. He is the youth director of the Allegheny West Conference of Seventh-day Adventist. He has a powerful voice for change and is known for his moving speeches and powerful prayers. He is connected to a wide network of action organizations across the country.

Amna Farooqi

Amna Farooqi is an expert community organizer and strategic planner. She has led movements in the middle east and here across the states. She has dedicated her life to doing community work and has a broad network of social action organizations. She has stood up to oppressive governments, stopped damaging legislation from passing, and is known for being an agitator for justice.

Graham Younger

Graham Younger is an expert in politics and lobbying. He has a law degree and has worked on various campaigns and is currently a lobbyist at the Georgia State Capitol. He has fought to prevent gun violence, anitdiscrimination and a variety of other issues.

Meet Your Host

Sherrell Byrd

Sherrell Byrd is an expert in non-profit collaboration and funding. She is the founder and chairs a group of nonprofits that are tackling some of the toughest issues that plague Southwest Georgia, including criminal justice reform, food insecurity, rural health, and more.

Speaker, Author, Activist and Community Engagement Coach

Joshua Nelson

Over the past 13 years of my ministry and career I’ve been blessed to develop my skills of community organizing and engagement. I have had the privilege of studying and traveling to London, Toronto, and Chicago to learn how to engage cities for change. I received my Urban ministry doctoral degree after conducting a local project and intervention for police and young Black men. I have led marches, organized communities, been awarded over $60,000 in grant monies, started three non-profits, planted and helped others plant community gardens, implemented an extensive plan to combat food insecurity, and much more. My greatest joy is seeing communities take back their power and transforming the people around them to ACTIVATE CHANGE.

Activate Change Bonuses

  • Bonus #1

    Digital Copy of “Book of EL” & 5 Part Video Series ($97 Value)

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